Unlike dampers, installing a fan will not have any negative effect on the main system.
In theory, BLOCKING more than 30% of the vents either by manual or smart dampers will put too much pressure on the main blower which will have a negative effect on the temperature rise/ drop of the main system. This will make the system overheat during wintertime and freeze the cooling coil during the summertime.
On the other hand, using a fan in the system will help to regulate the airflow in the ducting system and will decrease the overall static pressure. This will help the main blower to move the air more smoothly in the ducting system. Even when the fans stop, our device has been designed not to block the vents completely so still enough air can escape from the vent to prevent any blockage in the system.
Please note that when there is weak flow in one room, there will be excess flow in other rooms since the main system has been designed to deliver enough flow for the entire house. By using SmartCocoon booster fans, not only the problem of bad flow is resolved, but the other areas will get balanced too.
We can guarantee that using any type of booster fan will bring no harm to your main system.